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Chinese in the Napa Valley: The Forgotten Community That Built the Wine Country

  • Tuesday, September 03, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Gateway - Fireside Room

Tuesday September 3, HCC will welcome speaker John McCormick, the author of “Chinese in Napa Valley: The Forgotten Community That Built the Wine Country”.

Chinese laborers were once the backbone of Napa Valley. Throughout the late 1800s, they toiled in the grape fields, mines, hop farms, leather tanneries and laundries, and carved out neighborhoods in towns throughout the Valley. But in1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act hastened the decline of local Chinatowns and these once vibrant communities disappeared while the industries they helped to foster flourished.

Please Register!, there is no charge for this event, but registration helps us determine seating and volunteer requirements. 

Visit our website http://rossmoor-hcc.com for more information and to register. All are welcome to attend and learn more about the forgotten contributions of the Chinese people in California's most famous wine region.

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