Frequently Asked Questions - General Questions and Tour Questions

General FAQ's

Why don't you record meetings?

We’re very sorry, but we do not record our programs whether they are live events or hosted on HCC’s Zoom platform. 

Speakers and virtual tour providers, to whom we pay a fee, want to retain control over their intellectual property.  They own their likeness and the content of their programs. And, they have worked diligently to create that content. If we record a program, we are not able to control how the recording is viewed and used by others. 

We understand some speakers and virtual tour providers may sign waivers with host organizations to give explicit direction for the future use of recordings.  However, this requires time, processes and oversight that HCC is not equipped to handle. 

Why do You change from live speakers to Zoom?

The decision to move a live meeting to HCC’s Zoom platform is not one that’s made easily or lightly.  This decision is made as a group by the 8 member Board of Directors who manage the operations of HCC. The decision is not made by one person. 

Because of COVID health and safety concerns in 2022, the Board  considers live meetings vs Zoom on a case-by-case basis. The process is to  confer with the speaker to determine their preference.  The Board also looks at relevant state, county, city and GRF updates. Data from the 2021 member survey shows 76% indicated a desire for a mix of live and Zoom events for 2022.  And, that was before anyone knew about the Delta and Omicron variants

We are committed to the safety of our members and guests. Despite enforced masking, checking COVID vaccination cards and requiring COVID tests, breakthrough infections occur. The Board is aware some do not like Zoom, have “Zoom fatigue” or really do feel reasonably protected against COVID. But, as no one can catch COVID by attending a program via Zoom, it is once again an option that HCC considers.  

Frequently Asked Questions  [FAQs] About the HCC Tour Program

Tour Reservation Purchase Process

All reservations are now done by US mail with checks. There is a start date and a deadline for purchases. All tour information is available on, via member emails and in the Rossmoor News.

To be as fair as possible, the HCC Reservationist reviews the reservation postmark, check date, completeness and readability of requested information. Information typically includes: name, home address, email, mobile, landline, menu choice, dietary restrictions and mobility challenges.

HCC tours are only for HCC members. A member may purchase 2 member reservations and must supply all the requested information, with payment, for both people. Refunds are given if a reservation is cancelled before the deadline. If cancelled after the deadline, if HCC re-sells the reservation a refund occurs. Registrants may not re-sell their own reservations as it is a wait lister fairness issue.

Many wait listers go on tours. In the last 11+ years, the average cancellation rate is 20% of the initial registrants. Among the wait listers, an average of 50% decline an opportunity when contacted. Individuals who register receive an email or phone call with their Confirmed or Waitlist status. This typically occurs once a week by the Reservationist.

Anyone who goes on an HCC Tour travels at their own risk. All must travel independently or with a ‘helper companion’ who is also a member.

The HCC Board appreciates members’ Tour Program enthusiasm. Please do not hand deliver checks or send them in before the deadline. This is a fairness issue.

What Changed For Reservation Tour Process

In 2023, at many members’ request, HCC experimented with a lottery. It did not work well.  It was eliminated. Before the lottery experiment, registrants could purchase reservations online as well as via US mail. No matter how HCC tried to do this, it was impossible to integrate both purchase streams fairly. This was eliminated. HCC recognizes some clubs operate only from their website. HCC does not.

Why Don’t You Run 2 Buses, Get A Larger Bus, Run A Tour More Than Once, Limit The Number of Members in HCC

The types of tours HCC offers are custom designed events. In fact, many potential venues are reluctant, or reject HCC, when told the group size is 42 - 50 slots depending on the venue. A number of HCC tour destinations have public tours - like Grace Cathedral which HCC visited in 2022. HCC tours, like Grace Cathedral, often have specifically requested docents, special guest appearances and/or unique experiences built-in to the tour itself. Grace had all 3. A larger bus does not help.

Running a tour more than once is not feasible. HCC offers 3 tours every year. To research, propose, design, negotiate with destinations, buses, restaurants, special guests & docents, plan the actual day, do all the back office set-up work, process & manage reservations and close out a trip requires about 100 hours of work. That’s 300 hours for 3 tours handled by 2 people.

Work on a tour starts 1 - 2 years before it occurs with the current year’s tours being finalized and racking up hours at the same time. Running a tour a second time requires less work but the 2 people who operate the HCC tour program are volunteers who do not have the capacity to do more. They are actually working on tours more than 300 hours a year because of current year and future year tour work.

Limiting membership is not financially viable. HCC currently has about 350 members. Some members want to go on tours - but not all interest them. Some members want to attend the HCC Speaker Series but not all interest them. Some do both. HCC strives to appeal to a broad member base. The club’s dues, not tours, pay for speakers, meeting room setups, website maintenance, insurance, etc. Limiting the number of members would affect the club’s financial viability and the quality of the programs offered. This would still not guarantee everyone who wants to go on a tour an opportunity to do so.

HCC offers 9 events every year - typically 3 tours, 5 speakers and 1 member special event. That’s a lot of volunteer hours from an HCC Board of 9 people who operate the club, attend to its business, manage the HCC Speaker Series offer a Tour Program and create special events.

Why are Tours So Expensive?

HCC prices its tours on actual cost. Registrants pay what HCC pays for the tour. Some tours are more expensive than others due to the number of bus hours, bus distance, admission fees, docent fees, guest appearances, unique experiences, actual destination, meals, taxes, gratuities, etc. Chartered buses are costly. HCC chooses the most economical and interesting meal venues based on the actual tour itself. HCC tours are priced to achieve breakeven.

For Further Information About The HCC Tour Program

Reservations: Beverly Pincus,, 925.330.0455

Tour Content: Barbara Britt,, 925.457.8609. She has no access to reservations.


HCC has no back-up for Beverly or Barbara. Anyone interested in making sure HCC can offer tours in the future may contact Beverly or Barbara.

In Closing

HCC never envisioned such enthusiasm for its tours. In a perfect world, everyone would be able to go on every tour the club offered. The HCC Board appreciates everyone’s support.

All HCC tour travelers must travel independently or with their responsible companion. 

Everyone travels at their own risk.  At this time, masks are still required on HCC tour buses.

We are grateful for everyone’s input.

We look forward to your feedback as we work to improve access to HCC Tours.

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